A New Hub for TechTAC Product Documentation and Technical Resources

Accessing data in the oilfield

Improperly running a tubing anchor can lead to several potentially serious issues. The best way for rig crews and operators to mitigate those risks is to carefully follow an anchor’s documented setting, releasing and assembly instructions. However, sometimes those technical documents can be a little difficult to track down. That’s why TechTAC® has created a new TechTAC Product Documentation center on its website to gather all of those important technical and marketing documents in one place.

The Importance of TechTAC Product Documentation

Rig worker operating power tongs

A myriad of challenges can arise if the setting, releasing and assembly procedures for both standard B2 TACs and Slimline anchors aren’t carefully followed. The list below outlines just some of the issues operators can encounter if important guidelines are overlooked:

  • Not knowing the appropriate shear setting for the TAC and accidentally setting the shear too high or too low can cause significant issues when setting or releasing the tool.
  • Running the tubing anchor downhole too quickly can damage it, especially when hitting fluid or navigating a tight spot.
  • The TAC can set prematurely if the tubing isn’t given an occasional right-hand turn while the anchor is being run. (Or, in the case of a right-hand set tool, a left-hand turn.)
  • Placing a tubing anchor too low in the bend of a horizontal well can create an undue bending moment on the anchor.
  • Without pulling the proper tension on a TAC before the tubing is landed, the cyclic loading inherent during sucker rod pumping can exceed the tension placed on the anchor, possibly leading to premature shearing or even a break in the tool.
  • Over-torquing the tool when attaching it to the tubing can possibly gall the 10-round inner threads on the TAC.

The list above and several other potential challenges are relatively easy to avoid when following documented practices.

Finding the Right Resources

Visitors to techtac.com can now find all of these important product and technical resources by navigating to Resources > Product Documentation, as seen here:

Navigating to Product Documentation on techtac.com

The new TechTAC Product Documentation hub includes a host of valuable documents, including:

  • Setting and Releasing Instructions
  • Assembly and Disassembly Instructions
  • Special Considerations for Deviated Wells
  • Tubing, Drill Pipe and Casing Stretch Data
  • Tubing Anchor Stretch Calculations
  • Tubing Torque Chart
  • Product Spec Sheets
  • And much more….

Contact the TechTAC Team with Additional Questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for, even with the new document library? Don’t hesitate to contact our team. One of TechTAC’s core values is to earn our customers’ trust with every interaction. A key part of that commitment is connecting them with knowledgeable people who understand tubing anchor catchers and common downhole challenges. That’s why TechTAC doesn’t have “salespeople” in the traditional sense of the word. Instead, we have shop managers who can offer TAC technical advice and not just an invoice. To contact a member of the TechTAC team, visit techtac.com/contact.

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